Accessibility Evaluation

Quick scan digital accessibility

Eva, Swink
30 January 2025
Sunweb Group Netherlands B.V.

Summary of the evaluation findings

The website does not comply to WCAG 2.1 level AA yet. 13 out of 50 success criteria contain one or more issues. This document describes to what extent the website meets the accessibility requirements captured in WCAG, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

The website has been audited between the 27th and 28th of January 2025. The English translation has been provided on the 3rd of February 2025. For this inspection the WCAG-EM evaluation method has been followed as much as possible. During the inspection various discrepancies have been found. This document is a quick scan and cannot be used to claim an accessibility status based on the inspection alone: this would require a full audit. Due to the intrinsic nature of a quick scan, WCAG criterion have not been set to 'passed' as it cannot be confirmed that issues may arise elsewhere on the website.

During this quick scan multiple accessibility issues have been identified relating to various criteria. Notable issues include:

The audit focuses specifically on the accessibility of the website for people with a disability, such as people who are blind, deaf, low-literate or have other functional problems. For them it is important that the website is technically and substantively designed in such a way that the site is usable. Optimizing a website for accessibility has more advantages; it makes the website more usable for everyone (for example also for people who look at their mobile phone in a sunny environment) and it makes the site easier to find in search engines.

Scope of the evaluation

Website name
Scope of the website The scope of the audit includes:
  • All pages on
The scope of the audit excludes:
  • Sub-website(s) where the HTML and/or the system differs from
  • All external systems and websites that are linked to via
Conformance target WCAG 2.1 level AA
Accessibility support baseline Common browsers and assistive technologies.

Overview of audit results

Principle Passed Failed Can't tell
1 Perceivable 0 6 14
2 Operable 0 3 14
3 Understandable 0 3 7
4 Robust 0 1 2
Total 0 13 37

Reading Guide

This evaluation is a snapshot. The website might have been changed. The problems found are only examples. Therefore, check for any problem whether this also occurs in other places. This evaluation is just a sample of a few pages. As many different types of pages are included in the sample as possible to get the best impression of the accessibility. Pay attention! New problems may arise when making improvements or changes to the website/app. Success criteria marked with "Not present" are automatically approved. Success criteria marked with "Unknown" or "Can't tell" are not approved.

Detailed audit results

1. Perceivable

1.1 Text Alternatives

1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)

All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose, except for the situations listed below.

Information about success criterion 1.1.1 Non-text Content

Outcome: Failed

Findings: A cookie consent banner appears when visiting for the first time/if you have not consented yet. The Sunweb logo only contains the alternative text "CookieInfo", which does not describe the function/features of this image. Blind website visitors must be specifically alerted to the fact that this is a logo, and since it also serves as a link to the homepage it should be described as such. Change the text, for example to "Logo Sunweb - Ga naar de website van CookieInfo".

The header on contains the Sunweb logo as an SVG. The image visually conveys meaning, but lacks a text alternative. Describe the function/features of this image. Blind website visitors must be specifically alerted to the fact that this is a logo, and since it also serves as a link to the homepage it should be described as such. A solution would be to add role=img and a title element containing the text alternative as the first child element of the SVG.

The page features a background image behind the headings "Vakanties om van te houden" (h1) and "Boek nu tijdelijk met hoge kortingen" (h2). The image has no text alternative, which is not necessary for decorative images. It does however require an empty alt attribute (alt=""), so all forms of assistive technology can ignore it.

The page contains an image which visually features the text "Nu tot €400 vroegboekkorting per persoon". This image contains the text alternative "Early booking", and does not convey (all) the information provided. Make sure the text is present for all visitors, including the visually impaired. By amending the text alternative for example, or by placing the same information on the page a different way and adding and empty alt attribute (alt="") tot he image. The image also serves as a link, so it should also contain information about the target page. A good text could be "Nu tot €400 vroegboekkorting per persoon: Boek jouw zomervakantie 2025 nu extra voordelig, naar pagina vroegboekkorting".

1.2 Time-based Media

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A)

For prerecorded audio-only and prerecorded video-only media, the following are true, except when the audio or video is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such:

Information about success criterion 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A)

Captions are provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media, except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such.

Information about success criterion 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A)

An alternative for time-based media or audio description of the prerecorded video content is provided for synchronized media, except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such.

Information about success criterion 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA)

Captions are provided for all live audio content in synchronized media.

Information about success criterion 1.2.4 Captions (Live)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA)

Audio description is provided for all prerecorded video content in synchronized media.

Information about success criterion 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.3 Adaptable

1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)

Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text.

Information about success criterion 1.3.1 Info and Relationships

Outcome: Failed

Findings: The Sunweb logo on is placed in a link element (a) which contains aria role="menuitem" in it's parent. This aria role is used in combination with menu, menubar or group, which allows assistive technology to convey certain structures to its' users. Remove this role from the link element, as it does not serve such a purpose. This is also the case for the buttons in the main menu ("Ons aanbod", "Vroegboekkorting" and "Last minutes" amongst others).

The main menu items on have been placed in list items (li), in turn nested in an unordered list (ul). The list items contain the attribute role="none", which is not allowed on such an element. This occurs throughout the website, including the heart-shaped favorites icon and the "Mijn Sunweb" item.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)

When the sequence in which content is presented affects its meaning, a correct reading sequence can be programmatically determined.

Information about success criterion 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)

Instructions provided for understanding and operating content do not rely solely on sensory characteristics of components such as shape, size, visual location, orientation, or sound.

Information about success criterion 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA)

Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation, such as portrait or landscape, unless a specific display orientation is essential.

Information about success criterion 1.3.4 Orientation

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (Level AA)

The purpose of each input field collecting information about the user can be programmatically determined when:

Information about success criterion 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose

Outcome: Failed

Findings: The form on allows users to fill out their own e-mail address and password. The purpose of these and other similar fields must be programmatically determinable, meaning author-supplied data should be recognised by user agents including assistive technologies. A user should be able to have the aforementioned fields filled out automatically, or be given extra aid during input. In this case that can be achieved by for example using the attribute autocomplete="email" for the corresponding field. An overview of where the autocomplete can be applied and the possible attribute values can be found on the page:

1.4 Distinguishable

1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A)

Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

Information about success criterion 1.4.1 Use of Color

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)

If any audio on a Web page plays automatically for more than 3 seconds, either a mechanism is available to pause or stop the audio, or a mechanism is available to control audio volume independently from the overall system volume level.

Information about success criterion 1.4.2 Audio Control

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)

The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except for the following:

Information about success criterion 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)

Outcome: Failed

Findings: A cookie consent banner appears when visiting for the first time/if you have not consented yet. The red button (HEX #ED2924) for cookie acceptance has a 4.2:1 contrast ratio with the white text, where 4.5:1 is the minimal standard set by this criterion. Contrast below this standard poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.

The buttons "Zon","Wintersport" and "Cruises" under the h2 heading "Boek nu tijdelijk met hoge kortingen" on do not meet the minimum contrast ratio when a button is active. "Zon" for example, results in red text and contour (HEX #FF333F) which has a 3.6:1 contrast ratio with the white background, where 4.5:1 is the minimal standard set by this criterion. Contrast below this standard poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.

Four images with underlying tekst under the h2 heading "It's a Sunweb holiday! #creatingmemories" on pose color contrast issues. The grey text (HEX #928D8B) under the h5 heading "1e kind gratis verblijf" has a contrast ratio of 3.2:1 with the white background, where 4.5:1 is the minimal standard set by this criterion. Contrast below this standard poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.
Similar contrast issues are present on the same page, for example under the h5 heading "Verzekeringen regelen" and hotel locations in the cards under the h2 heading "Bekijk onze unieke toplocaties".

The color contrast ratio between grey footer (#B5B0AB) on and the white text it contains (Over Sunweb, Contact, Vacature etc) does not meet the 4.5:1 minimal standard set by this criterion. The contrast should be significantly raised from 2.1:1 as it poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.

The form field "Wanneer" on contains the placeholder text "Vertrekdatum toevoegen", which has a 3.2:1 contrast with the background, where it ought to meet a minimum of 4,5:1 as set by this criterion.
Similar contrast issues can be found on the same page regarding the visual labels and placeholder texts "Luchthaven toevoegen" and "Bestemming". Also note issues concerning the hotel search results under the text "2328 zonvakanties".

A list of hotels is present under the text "2328 zonvakanties" on The images of some results contain a red label (HEX #FF333F) with white text, for example "Vroegboek Topsellers" ont he first result. The color contrast ratio is 3.6:1 where it ought to meet a minimum of 4,5:1 as set by this criterion. Contrast below this standard poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.

A list of hotels is present under the text "2328 zonvakanties" on Some of the hotels have been reduced in price, made visible with a pink label (HEX #FAFAC9) containing a red percentage value (HEX #ED2924), for example "14%" on the first search result. The contrast between the text and the background is 2.9:1 while the minimum set by this criterion is 4.5:1. Contrast below this standard poses a problem for people with poor eyesight and color blindness. Use a color combination with sufficient contrast.

1.4.4 Resize text (Level AA)

Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.

Information about success criterion 1.4.4 Resize text

Outcome: Failed

Findings: Every page contains the settings "maximum-scale=1.0" en "user-scalable=no" under meta name="viewport" in the HTML-code. The consequence of these settings include that in some cases visitors of the website cannot use zoom. Refrain from using such settings, to make sure the website is scalable. See SC 1.4.10 as well for the same issues.

1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA)

If the technologies being used can achieve the visual presentation, text is used to convey information rather than images of text except for the following:

Information about success criterion 1.4.5 Images of Text

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA)

Content can be presented without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions for:

Except for parts of the content which require two-dimensional layout for usage or meaning.

Information about success criterion 1.4.10 Reflow

Outcome: Failed

Findings: Every page contains the settings "maximum-scale=1.0" en "user-scalable=no" under meta name="viewport" in the HTML-code. The consequence of these settings include that in some cases visitors of the website cannot use zoom. Refrain from using such settings, to make sure the website is scalable. See SC 1.4.4 as well for the same issues.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA)

The visual presentation of the following have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent color(s):

Information about success criterion 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA)

In content implemented using markup languages that support the following text style properties, no loss of content or functionality occurs by setting all of the following and by changing no other style property:

Information about success criterion 1.4.12 Text Spacing

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)

Where receiving and then removing pointer hover or keyboard focus triggers additional content to become visible and then hidden, the following are true:

Information about success criterion 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2. Operable

2.1 Keyboard Accessible

2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)

All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes, except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints.

Information about success criterion 2.1.1 Keyboard

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)

If keyboard focus can be moved to a component of the page using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that component using only a keyboard interface, and, if it requires more than unmodified arrow or tab keys or other standard exit methods, the user is advised of the method for moving focus away.

Information about success criterion 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (Level A)

If a keyboard shortcut is implemented in content using only letter (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, number, or symbol characters, then at least one of the following is true:

Information about success criterion 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.2 Enough Time

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)

For each time limit that is set by the content, at least one of the following is true:

Information about success criterion 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)

For moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating information, all of the following are true:

Information about success criterion 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.3 Seizures and Physical Reactions

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A)

Web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds.

Information about success criterion 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)

A mechanism is available to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple Web pages.

Information about success criterion 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

Outcome: Failed

Findings: Every page lacks a mechanism to skip repetitious content. Keyboard/assistive technology users should be able to reach the unique page content without having to pass the same menu items, login sections etc. that are featured on each page. This can be achieved by adding one or several skiplinks to a page, which redirects the focus to the aforementioned content. The link should be the first focusable link on the page. It may be visually hidden, but must become visible upon keyboard initiation.

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)

Web pages have titles that describe topic or purpose.

Information about success criterion 2.4.2 Page Titled

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

Advice: The website does not use a consistent title structure. The homepage is named "Vakantie boeken | ❤️ vakantie met Sunweb", the search page "Zoekpagina - Sunweb Zonvakanties" and the user environment "Mijn Sunweb | Al jouw boekingsgegevens". It is advisable to use a good short descriptor of the specific page, followed by the website name. Visitors will know which website they are visiting, and what the contents of the specific page/tab is. This is beneficial to optimize navigation.

2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)

If a Web page can be navigated sequentially and the navigation sequences affect meaning or operation, focusable components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability.

Information about success criterion 2.4.3 Focus Order

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.

Information about success criterion 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA)

More than one way is available to locate a Web page within a set of Web pages except where the Web Page is the result of, or a step in, a process.

Information about success criterion 2.4.5 Multiple Ways

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)

Headings and labels describe topic or purpose.

Information about success criterion 2.4.6 Headings and Labels

Outcome: Failed

Findings: The text fields "E-mailadres" and "Wachtwoord" on are not visually labelled (placeholders disappear once input is commenced). Consequently visitors will not always know what to fill in (the icons remain visible, but their contrast may be an issue for the colour-blind). Provide visual labels for the fields and associate them in HTML. See SC 3.3.2. for placeholders specifically.

2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA)

Any keyboard operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible.

Information about success criterion 2.4.7 Focus Visible

Outcome: Failed

Findings: Navigational focus is not always visible for keyboard users on Some elements are provided focus indicator with a black boundary, others are red and some do not have a clear one at all. Make sure that the entire boundary of focus indicators is clearly visible. Also see for tips regarding good visibility.

It is not always clear to those who rely on their keyboard to navigate, what they focus is on in the drop down navigation under "Ons aanbod" on Optically there is no focus indicator present in traditional sense: it is set apart from the other items by means of a marginally different grey teint. This cannot be observed by all visitors, specifically impacting the color-blind and those with low vision. Make the distinction in focus more visible to solve this problem.

2.5 Input Modalities

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A)

All functionality that uses multipoint or path-based gestures for operation can be operated with a single pointer without a path-based gesture, unless a multipoint or path-based gesture is essential.

Information about success criterion 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A)

For functionality that can be operated using a single pointer, at least one of the following is true:

Information about success criterion 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A)

For user interface components with labels that include text or images of text, the name contains the text that is presented visually.

Information about success criterion 2.5.3 Label in Name

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A)

Functionality that can be operated by device motion or user motion can also be operated by user interface components and responding to the motion can be disabled to prevent accidental actuation, except when:

Information about success criterion 2.5.4 Motion Actuation

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3. Understandable

3.1 Readable

3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A)

The default human language of each Web page can be programmatically determined.

Information about success criterion 3.1.1 Language of Page

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA)

The human language of each passage or phrase in the content can be programmatically determined except for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text.

Information about success criterion 3.1.2 Language of Parts

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: The Sunweb logo and menu items on are contained in a nav element. Screenreader users hear the English aria-label "Main menu" announced, whilst the language of the page is set to Dutch. Make sure all aria-labels are also translated to Dutch, in order for assistive technology to pronounce words correctly.
Similar issues can be found throughout the site, on the menu bar for example ("menubar-navigation") and on the favorites & "Mijn Sunweb" buttons ("menubar-action-items"). Translate texts where needed.

3.2 Predictable

3.2.1 On Focus (Level A)

When any component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context.

Information about success criterion 3.2.1 On Focus

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3.2.2 On Input (Level A)

Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context unless the user has been advised of the behavior before using the component.

Information about success criterion 3.2.2 On Input

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)

Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of Web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user.

Information about success criterion 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)

Components that have the same functionality within a set of Web pages are identified consistently.

Information about success criterion 3.2.4 Consistent Identification

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

3.3 Input Assistance

3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A)

If an input error is automatically detected, the item that is in error is identified and the error is described to the user in text.

Information about success criterion 3.3.1 Error Identification

Outcome: Failed

Findings: Should visitors leave a text field empty or enter incorrect information, error messages appear under the fields. For example "Er moet een e-mailadres worden ingevuld'" (an e-mail address must be provided). A good error identifier mentions what mistake is made and where. For example 'the field e-mail address has not been filled in'. There is a distinction between an error identifier and an error suggestion. The latter, stating a field is mandatory, is covered by SC 3.3.3.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)

Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input.

Information about success criterion 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions

Outcome: Failed

Findings: The text fields "E-mailadres" and "Wachtwoord" on have a placeholder text but no visible label. The placeholder text does not suffice, as it disappears once a visitor starts typing. For some people it can be difficult to remember what they need to fill out, especially if there are multiple fields. Add a label that always remains visible (perhaps a placeholder that relocates into the focus indicator) to solve this issue.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)

If an input error is automatically detected and suggestions for correction are known, then the suggestions are provided to the user, unless it would jeopardize the security or purpose of the content.

Information about success criterion 3.3.3 Error Suggestion

Outcome: Failed

Findings: All text forms on are mandatory (this might seem obvious, but poses a potential issue should more fields be added). Under this criterion such fields must be clearly marked, for example with the use of an asterisk and a legend.

For Web pages that cause legal commitments or financial transactions for the user to occur, that modify or delete user-controllable data in data storage systems, or that submit user test responses, at least one of the following is true:

  1. Reversible: Submissions are reversible.
  2. Checked: Data entered by the user is checked for input errors and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them.
  3. Confirmed: A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the submission.

Information about success criterion 3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

4. Robust

4.1 Compatible

4.1.1 Parsing (Level A)

In content implemented using markup languages, elements have complete start and end tags, elements are nested according to their specifications, elements do not contain duplicate attributes, and any IDs are unique, except where the specifications allow these features.

Information about success criterion 4.1.1 Parsing

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)

For all user interface components (including but not limited to: form elements, links and components generated by scripts), the name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies.

Information about success criterion 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Outcome: Failed

Findings: One can search for a vacation on by means of various filters: "Vertrekdatum", "Met wie & hoeveel kamers?", "Aantal dagen" and "Bestemming". These fields aren't associated with accessible labels. The placeholders function as visual labels, but that does not suffice for this criterion. There are various issues regarding placeholders: the ones used disappear once input is initiated and placeholders in general are not always announced by all forms of assistive technology. Make sure the fields have a label that remains on the page so visitors are aware of the required input at all times.
A similar issue can be found on Also see SC 3.3.2 for this topic.

One can search for a vacation on by means of various filters: "Vertrekdatum", "Met wie & hoeveel kamers?", "Aantal dagen" and "Bestemming". Once an option is chosen, the field that requires the number of vacation days contains the choice and an 'x' to remove the choice. This icon has the function of a button but does not have an accessible name. Users of assistive technology such as screenreaders will not be informed what the button does. Make sure all such interactive components have accessible names.

4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA)

In content implemented using markup languages, status messages can be programmatically determined through role or properties such that they can be presented to the user by assistive technologies without receiving focus.

Information about success criterion 4.1.3 Status Messages

Outcome: Can't tell

Findings: This criterion has not been (fully) researched for the purposes of this quick scan.

Basis for this evaluation

The audit was conducted based on the evaluation method of the W3C, WCAG-EM. This is largely done manually by taking a sample. For a quickscan we use parts of this methodology. Despite all the researcher's care and experience, it is possible that a problem has not been identified. Keep in mind that in a next audit certain parts could be assessed differently because of further development of techniques and assistive software. Tools are used in the manual audit.

Sample of audited web pages

Relied upon techniques

Web browsers (User Agents) and other software

The following software was used in this evaluation:


This report is mainly created with the online W3C report tool.

Printed: 2025-03-09 15:29:19 v2.4-011